Oida Yoga

Understanding the foundation of movement allows for a safe, supportive practice.


Meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts.

Mental health

Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us.


The body is of utmost importance for our holistic health as it is here that the mental and spiritual realms reside.

Jivamukti yoga is a path to enlightenment through compassion for all beings. This integral yoga method was founded by Sharon Gannon and David Life in 1984 after staying for many years with their gurus in India: Swami Nirmalananda, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati. Every month we explore deeply the study of the ancient yogic teachings inspired by the focus of the month, every month a new yoga theme that is explored in each class for a month.

Find the right class for you.

To continue making yoga accessible to everyone I offer classes online, in-person at our studio and outdoors.

There’s a class for everyone, come find yours.

Hatha Yoga Class.

Every Monday and Friday

oida yoga oidayoga oidayoga.com www.oidayoga.com

Join our gold-standard Teacher Training Online this fall.

oida yoga oidayoga oidayoga.com www.oidayoga.com

Are you interested in learning more about the effect of trauma on the mind & body?

As a yoga teacher, have you had a students’ trauma triggered during one of your classes? Get the resources and tools you need to act appropriately when this happens.

Meet me.


Jivamukti Teacher

I met yoga at age 18, but it was after my bachelor that I feel the yoga was my path. So I took first a 50h YTT with Rasa Yoga, then a 200h YTT in Ashtanga Yoga, 300h YTT in Jivamukti Yoga, corrently going foward in Jivamukti method doing JAP.

oida yoga oidayoga oidayoga.com www.oidayoga.com
oida yoga oidayoga oidayoga.com www.oidayoga.com

Choose the most comfortable way to pratice.